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Wanderlust .. maybe you read it somewhere or you heard it named, the etymology of wanderlust leads us to the German language. Wandern means "to wander", while lust we translate it as "passion". This would later derive in the Anglo-Saxon term wanderlust or what is the same: passion for traveling.

In some of us this flame grows inside the body and there is no way to extinguish it. We are restless souls who are always thinking about where to go, when the next trip will be, what new places they will visit and what adventures they will find along the way.

We are nothing more than a group of young travelers like you, we share that same passion, which is more than passion now and more like our lifestyle.
Unfortunately due to the extreme circumstances to which the pandemic subjected us, we have missed this more than anyone, we talk about that feeling of living something new every day, meeting those unforgettable people, yes .. those that you met less than 24 hours ago but that you already know will forge a friendship that will last forever!
We are back and it's time to celebrate!
We are waiting for you to share it with us :)


Thanks for writing to us! We will reply to you as soon as possible :)

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